Sponsored by OA Miami Dade and the Keys Intergroup
”Relationships in Recovery" Feel the LoveThis workshop is open to all who may be interested
November 13th - 14th from 2-6pm EST, each day.
Zoom information:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82013130963?pwd=N0l1b254T2kzVkJEZW1yNmwvb1pvQT09ID: 820 1313 0963 Password: 305305
We ask that attendees register for this event, so we may send documents designed for participation in the presentation. To register email us your name and email address at: eventsmdkig@gmail.com.
There is no registration fee!
A 7th Tradition contribution is appreciated. While we encourage attendees to contribute to our Seventh Tradition with the suggested donation of $5.00 no one will ever be declined! We refer OA members to our Venmo or Zelle account treasurer@oamiami.org to make their Seventh Tradition contribution or you may send a check to:
Miami Dade and the Keys Intergroup
P.O. Box 530248
Miami, Florida 33153