Service Opportunities

July 2020

Dear Fellow OA Members of Greater Detroit Intergroup,

There will be elections for the Chairperson, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary at the September 2020 Intergroup Meeting. The newly elected officers will assume office immediately following the September meeting. The following is from our Bylaws.

ARTICLE VI – Officers
Section 1 – Membership
A. Intergroup officers shall consist of a Chairperson (Chair), Vice-Chairperson (Vice-Chair), Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Advisor.
B. The Advisor is the immediate past chairperson and shall serve as a voting member of GDI for one year.

Section 2 - Qualifications
A. A nominee for GDI officer must have been a member of OA for at least two years.
B. Be working the 12 steps of OA.
C. Have at least one year of current abstinence.
D. Be willing to give service.
E. Have given service to Intergroup sometime during the previous twelve month period.

Section 3 – Term of Office
A. A term of office shall be a period of 24 months, with the exception of Advisor whose term is 12 months.
B. An officer shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
C. Upon election as officer, member shall cease to be representative of their group and that group shall elect a new IR.
D. Any officer shall, on expiration or termination of the term of office, deliver all monies, books, and other property of Intergroup to the Chair within a maximum two-week period.

Section 4 - Nominations
A. Nominations for Officers will be accepted in writing or in person from the beginning of the August Intergroup meeting through the close of nominations at the election meeting in September.
B. Nominations may be submitted to any Officer.
C. The candidate must accept the nomination in person, by phone, in writing, or by email to be able to run. In writing is the preferred mode of notification.
D. Any voting member of Intergroup may place a name in nomination. Nominations do not have to be moved or seconded.

Please click here for the duties of the officers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask any member of the Intergroup Board.

Yours in Service,

Sue S.
Greater Detroit Intergroup Chair